Complete Your Short Application: Complete the short application by filling in basic information about your company and selecting the award categories you’d like to apply for. The early-rate deadline to submit is June 7, 2024, and the fee is $695; after that, the fee will increase to $995. You must submit all of this information online. The final application deadline is July 12, 2024.
Provide Customer References: In the application, you'll provide Inc. with the names of at least three (3) and up to ten (10) companies that have used your products or services over the past year. Inc. will send a survey containing four straightforward questions asking how likely your customer is to recommend your product or service. Inc. will score these results and combine them with our own research to produce a list of hundreds of winners. Deadline for references to complete surveys is July 26, 2024.
- Watch for Our Announcement of the 2024 Inc. Power Partner Awards: The list goes live on Inc.com in late October 2024 and will be featured in the November print issue of Inc. magazine. Whether you make the list or not, you will be notified via email in September, prior to our public announcement.
Applications are now closed. Thank you for your interest! To be notified when applications reopen, please sign up here.
Have any questions or concerns? Email the Inc. Power Partners Team at powerpartners@inc.com